Our story

What started as an idea to do church on the river, God turned into a community of people we get to call family and friends. Over 8 weeks of the summer of 2024, we saw baptisms, celebrated communion, prayed together, and worshipped together. We're not stopping now. River Church is a non-denominational church started by NEWLIFE Calvert that meets Sundays at 10 am.

Location: Swan Point Country Club

11550 Swan Point Blvd

Issue, MD 20645


We love Jesus. We won't hide it.

We won't apologize for it. We won't be quiet about it. 


We love people despite their messes.

We all have them and we're called to walk through them together.


We're not perfect and we don't fake it.

We're just real people who really need Jesus.

Robert Hilson

Senior Pastor


Adam Munshaw

Lead Pastor



Shannon Gragg

Assistant Pastor




  • We believe in the one and only God who created both the heavens and the earth is eternal, unlimited in power, unmatched in love, who created all things and holds all things together in Heaven and on Earth. This one God exists in unified essence as three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each of whom is fully God, yet there is one God.

  • We believe the bible is a unified story across the Old and New Testaments that points to Jesus. We believe the scriptures are the verbally inspired word of God, inerrant in the original writings, infallible and God-breathed, and provide the basis for truth and final authority for us as we follow God.

  • We believe that Salvation is a free gift given by God and is made available to every human being. Through the story of Jesus and the work of prevenient grace of the Holy Spirit, a person who is fallen by nature can respond and choose to act in repentance and faith. In a personal response and repentance, they should Admit that they have sinned and rebelled against God, Believe that Jesus is the son of God and chose to die for the sins of the world, and finally Commit to living a life that will strive to Love God and love people. We believe that faith starts at the moment of Salvation, and this faith will express itself through the acknowledgment of Jesus as Lord and an identification with His Church.

  • We believe that humankind will exist forever, either eternally separate from God because of sin or eternally with God because of His grace and Salvation. We believe that heaven and hell are real places, but we do not know what either of them looks like in their entirety. We also believe that they are not the point of Jesus' story or the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We believe that if getting into heaven or trying to escape hell becomes the point of someone's faith, they are missing what Jesus commands in the Gospels: to love one another. If we only focus on eternity, then our Salvation and faith become all about us when Jesus desires that all receive this free gift, and He has called us as believers to go reach the world with this good news, so they receive his love too.

  • We believe the work of the Church is to usher in the Kingdom of God here and now. In this pursuit we
    believe that we will see believers empowered by the Holy Spirit to do the work of the Gospel. Through the Power of the Holy Spirit and the work of believers we will see the Lost be found, the broken be healed and widows and orphans be cared for. By doing the work of the Gospel the individual believer will become more like Christ. As a result the believer will mature and grow in their relationship with God and learn to be more intimate and open with Him.

  • We Believe in the sanctity of marriage. That Marriage in God’s eyes is between one man and one woman. It is a covenant to each other before God and pledge to be united in marital love for the rest of their lives. We believe that husbands should love their wives like Christ loves the church and wives should submit to their husbands out of reverence for Christ.